Ruby Falls

Visitors to Middle Tennessee and Fall Creek Falls State Park who are interested in other natural wonders should tour the spectacular Ruby Falls. Located inside Lookout Mountain in Chattanooga, Tennessee, this impressive waterfall attracts tourists from around the country.

The Discovery of Ruby Falls

At over one thousand feet below the surface, Ruby Falls features a 165-foot waterfall that was discovered accidentally. In 1928, Leo Lambert found an opening to a cave while excavating an elevator shaft in the mountain. During his exploration, he discovered Ruby Falls, a giant cascading waterfall flowing through an enormous cavern. He developed the entrance to the cave, and it has been open to the public ever since.

Visit Ruby Falls

Ruby Falls is open every day of the year, except Christmas, from 8 am to 8 pm. Visitors can explore the exquisite rock formations, cave life, and the namesake waterfall. Combine your visit with a trip to Rock City. Spelunkers, both beginner and advanced, will marvel at the stalactites, stalagmites, columns, capillaries, and flowstone found inside the cavern.

Guided Tours and Educational Experiences

Daily tours explain the history of the area and how water flowing over millions of years formed the amazing structures. For cave enthusiasts looking for an adventure while vacationing at Fall Creek Falls State Park, a trip to Ruby Falls is a must. Learn about the prehistoric origins of all the caves, caverns, and water formations found on the Cumberland Plateau.

Plan Your Visit to Ruby Falls

Ruby Falls offers a unique experience for visitors of all ages. Whether you are a seasoned spelunker or a curious tourist, the natural beauty and fascinating history of Ruby Falls will leave you in awe.

Nearby Attractions

While visiting Ruby Falls, consider exploring these nearby attractions:

Directions to Ruby Falls

Ruby Falls is located at 1720 South Scenic Hwy, Chattanooga, TN 37409. Follow I-24 to Chattanooga, and take exit 178 for Lookout Mountain. Follow signs to Ruby Falls.

Contact Information for Ruby Falls

Ruby Falls
1720 South Scenic Hwy
Chattanooga, TN 37409
Phone: (423) 821-2544

Plan Your Adventure

For an unforgettable experience, visit Ruby Falls and explore the breathtaking beauty of this underground wonder. Whether you’re exploring the caves or admiring the waterfall, Ruby Falls offers a perfect day trip for visitors of Fall Creek Falls State Park and the surrounding area.

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